Sunday, July 14, 2013

Stories from the Streets

Stories from the streets come in many ways and they have a variety of themes, moods, tastes and feelings but they all give us something to think about and also something to see and to discover. A street photograph typically launches a kind of thinking process within the viewer and the discovery is the reward; ooh, that's 'the thing' or 'it' in the image, that's the 'catch'. Sometimes that thing or catch is obvious and sometimes it is hidden. Sometimes it doesn't even exist and then the whole concept of street photograph is to be questioned. Human presence - direct or indirect - is considered necessary in street photograph. Elements connecting to each other, humans connecting to their surroundings, stories connecting humans or each others.

'Swastika error'

 'Trust the freshness of the stripes'

 'the invisible twist'





Friday, July 12, 2013

Great photography books for the kids!

Yesterday I visited the local flea market and found two nice instructional books about photography; "I take photos" and "My first photographs". They are written for the children and they were made back in 1982 so they only address film stuff etc but with their drawings and other illustrations I absolotely like them! And of course the basic concepts and main things remain unchanged no matter analogue or digital. It is a three book series and I got the first two books. Too bad the thirds book wasn't on sale. The original Spanish version of this series is; ¿Hacemos fotos? by Marita Rivero & Narcís Fernández, 1982.

See the nice rangefinder he has?!.. 

 Fantastic drawing illustration of flash photography!

Friday, July 5, 2013

Sweet Days of July

I will be on summer holiday for the next four weeks. During that time I will mainly concentrate on my son, my wife and my photography. The D3s has been laying around pretty much useless since I got my X100s in late April so I need to charge its batteries and take it out too. I wish to be able to do some serious urbexing at some point too. Haven't been into it for quite some time. I know one possibly interesting location yet unexplored so I must pay a little visit there. Perhaps with the D3s & 14-24 combo for some serious HDR stuff. Haven't done that for a while either. Mostly I will work on my approach to street though.

Have a nice summer everyone!